• PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS Essentials in Fort Lauderdale June 25-26, 2016.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.
  • PAIRS: Because great relationships don't happen by accident.



PAIRS provides a Toolkit of relationship skills that build the foundation for fatherhood, marriage and families. Our innovative approach integrates a compilation of wisdom from therapy, marital enrichment, and marriage and family development. PAIRS is intense and inspirational, designed to release the power and potential of relationships and remove barriers to pleasure and joy. At PAIRS, we touch the heart.

Bring the power of PAIRS to your community. Join more than 2,000 PAIRS-trained facilitators worldwide that are helping couples and families create lasting, loving, successful relationships.

Click here to download brochure.

  • Level One Certification: Four Days -- For PAIRS for Life (12-18 Hour Marriage Education Curriculum, 2009), PAIRS Essentials (Nine-Hour Premarital and Marriage Education Curriculum, 2008), and PAIRS for PEERS (10 Session High School Curriculum, 2008) and Specialized Program Adaptations for Military Couples Impacted by Deployment, Adoptive Families, Prisoner Re-entry, Fatherhood and Others; 32 Contact Hours. Open to educators, counselors, health care professionals, clergy, lay leaders, and others working to strengthen marriages, families, and improve outcomes for children. Tuition and materials: $950 per person/$1250 per couple, includes first year licensing. To sponsor a PAIRS training in your community, a certified PAIRS Trainer and Training Assistant will provide certification training and technical assistance for staff and community partners, including four-days of training, instructor and participant handbooks, ethical standards, peer review, and related supplementary materials. The minimum fee for the training to be provided on-site is $24,000 for up to 24 participants, inclusive of four days of training, travel expenses, material costs and annual licensing. The cost for each additionalperson is $950 per person. Includes online access to classroom PowerPoint, training videos, supplemental materials, and updates, listing on PAIRS National Directory and National Calendar of Events for one year. Click here for more information on PAIRS Level One Training, including the training syllabus.
  • Level One Essentials Certification: For PAIRS Essentials (Nine-Hour Premarital and Marriage Education Curriculum, 2008); 20 Contact Hours. Certified PAIRS Trainer and Training Assistant provide certification training and technical assistance for staff and community partners, including 2½ days of training, instructor and participant handbooks, ethical standards, peer review, and related supplementary materials. The minimum fee for the training to be provided on-site is $18,000 for up to 24 participants, inclusive of 2½ days of training, travel expenses, material costs. The cost for each additional person is $750 per person. Includes online access to classroom PowerPoint, training videos, supplemental materials, and updates, listing on PAIRS National Directory and National Calendar of Events for one year.
  • Level One Essentials Intensive Certification, Online: For PAIRS Essentials (Nine-Hour Premarital and Marriage Education Curriculum, 2008). Certified PAIRS Trainer provide certification training and technical assistance for staff and community partners, including 20 Hours of online training, electronic versions of instructor and participant handbooks, ethical standards, peer review, and related supplementary materials. The minimum fee for the training to be provided for a site is $8,000 for up to 16 participants, inclusive of electronic material costs. The cost for each additional person is $500 per person. Includes online access to classroom PowerPoint, training videos, supplemental materials, and updates, listing on PAIRS National Directory and National Calendar of Events for one year.
  • Level One Review, Online: For Instructors previously trained in PAIRS seeking to renew licensing following a lapse of 24 months or more. Certified PAIRS Trainer or Training Assistant provide detailed review of PAIRS Essentials and PAIRS for Life curricula, licensing and ethical standards requirements, and research update, including 10 Hours of online training, one hour of individual mentoring, electronic versions of instructor and participant handbooks, ethical standards, peer review, and related supplementary materialsThe cost is $450 per person plus standard long distance phone charges. Includes online access to classroom PowerPoint, training videos, supplemental materials, and updates, listing on PAIRS National Directory and National Calendar of Events for one year.

For information on PAIRS Certification Trainings, contact:

Rachel Marmor
Training Director
(877) PAIRS-4U (724-7748) x802
Email: info@pairs.com

Upcoming PAIRS Level I Training Opportunities

Registration for PAIRS Professional Certification Training

PAIRS Level One Certification Training
See Calendar for Upcoming Dates $950 per person/$1250 per couple
PAIRS Level One Certification Training - Spanish
See Calendar for Upcoming Dates $950 per person/$1250 per couple

Discount Statement: Reduced cost for spouse/significant other.

Please complete this form, and fax it to 954-206-0281. Or, mail it to: PAIRS Foundation, 201 SE 2nd Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301. For further assistance, contact Rachel Marmor at 877-PAIRS-4U, ext.802 or info@pairs.com.

*Deposit of $250.00 Per Person Required to Reserve Space.


Applicants for PAIRS Professional Training should fax the front side of this form to the PAIRS Headquarters, Fax #954-206-0281, with your payment information complete. A deposit must be sent with the registration in order to hold a space. Payment in full is due no later than 14 days prior to training. Please be sure to indicate your email address, so that a confirmation of receipt of your application can be sent. If it is more than a month until the start of the training, the form can be mailed and sent with a check to: PAIRS Foundation, 201 SE 2nd Street, Fort Lauerdale, FL 33301. (Remember to keep a copy for your reference.)

The Regional Training Director facilitating this training will be in touch with you promptly to provide further pertinent information about the training, including details about location of the training, more specific agenda, suggested hotels, airport information, and to answer any questions you might have.

Payment can be faxed with credit card information to the PAIRS Headquarters at fax #954-206-0281 or, if it can be received more than 3 weeks prior to the training, a check may be mailed to the PAIRS Foundation, 201 SE 2nd Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, along with a copy of your training registration.

Cancellation Policy: If the Trainer is contacted more than two weeks prior to a training that the participant cannot attend, the deposit will be refunded, or at their request, may be forwarded on to another training of their choice for which they are qualified. If the Trainer is not notified of a cancellation prior to the 2-week notification timeframe, the deposit will be forfeited. If the training has to be cancelled, the deposit or fees collected may be returned or forwarded to another training, at the applicant’s request.

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